Helpful sites to visit
We don't get paid to promote anyone here so these recommended professionals and resources have made it to our list because they're genuinely awesome from many personal accounts. If you want to let us know about a resource that is super awesome and should be added to our list then get in touch

Toxic Mould Support Australia
The guys at TMSA have done a fabulous job of providing all the relevant mould and CIRS information in one place.
​They also run a Facebook support group but be warned, the recurring images of mould posted there can be quite triggering.
Low Tox Life
Alexx Stuart has fought her own battle with CIRS and as a result she's able to draw upon her lived experience
whilst interviewing with a wide variety of specialists in varying fields from around the world.
Her podcasts with these people provide easy listening,
educational and inspiring information.
We highly recommend a listen!

Conquering Chronic Illness
A home for relevant health and coping information for those who live with/are recovering from chronic illness. A great place to connect together with others in our healing community.
CCI are also one of our sponsors and we collaborate together on many projects to bring you more support.
This is a closed group where those with autoimmune conditions or CIRS/Mould Illness can discuss ideas and ask questions related to an anti-inflammatory diet & lifestyle.